Potential opportunities of AI in social services.
AI has the potential to revolutionize social services by improving the delivery of social programs and benefits, assessing eligibility and needs, making enrollment decisions, providing benefits, and monitoring and managing benefit delivery
AI can also reduce the administrative burden on social workers and caseworkers
There are many opportunities for AI in social services. For example, AI can help move the US health and social services’ siloed systems toward integrated systems of health that focus on prevention instead of reaction 1. The application of machine learning to big data can identify patterns for improving health care and social services delivery, and decision-support tools can enable evidence-based care 1. AI can also be used to forecast service successes and challenges, which can help agencies understand how best to focus scarce resources
AI is for efficiency and leverages job boredom or complexity
- Service Analysis and Execution
- Quality Assurance
- Service Limits and Standardization
- Fraud Detection and Service Audits
- Quality Assurance
However, there are also risks involved in the adoption of AI for social protection. Research on the use of AI in social protection draws at least four cautionary tales of the risks involved and the consequences Therefore, it is important to mind the people when adopting AI for social protection